Flywheel experiment

A flywheel is a mechanical device with a significant moment of inertia used as a storage device for rotational energy 1 . The rotational energy stored enables the flywheel to accelerate at very high velocities, and also to maintain that sort of velocity for a given period of time. The force that enables the flywheel to attain such velocities also produces energy to slow down the flywheel’s motion.

The objectives of the experiment are;

To calculate friction torque, it is assumed that the energy lost due to bearing friction is equal to the potential energy lost by the mass during unwinding and rewinding:

Mg(H 1 -H 2 ) = T f θ . . . . . (1)

Where, m = applied mass (kg)

H 1 = original height of mass above some arbitrary datum (m)

H 2 = final height of mass above the same datum (m)

T f = friction torque (Nm)

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θ = total angle turned through during unwinding and rewinding (rads)

To calculate the angular acceleration, (α),

S = u t + a t 2 /2 . . . . . . . .(2)

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θ = total angle turned through during unwinding and rewinding (rads)

To calculate the angular acceleration, (α),

S = u t + a t 2 /2 . . . . . . . .(2)

and α =a/r . . . . . . . . (3)

where, s = distance travelled by mass during decent (m)

u = initial velocity of mass (=0)

t = time to travel distance s (s)

a = linear acceleration of mass (m/s 2 )

r = effective radius of the flywheel axle (m)

To determine, experimentally, the moment of inertia (I exp );

T – T f = (I + m r 2 ) α where T = m g r . . . . . . . . . (4)

To calculate a theoretic value for I. The equation is;

I = MR 2 /2 . . . . . . . . (5)

Where M = mass of flywheel (kg)

R = radius of flywheel (m)



3.3 RESULT Table 3.3

H 1 = Original height of mass after it unwinds from the flywheel

H 2 = Final height of mass after bouncing back in opposite direction

θ = Total angular displacement (rads)

r = Effective radius of the axle = 13.75x10 -3 m.

Radius of shaft and rope (r) = 0.01375m

Mass of flywheel = 6.859kg

Radius of flywheel = 0.1m

Radius of axle = 0.0125m


To calculate the moment of inertia of the flywheel;

T – T f = (I + m r 2 ) α where T = m g r

Make ‘I’ the subject of the formula;

I exp = (T – T f )/α – (m r)

then, the value of T(applied torque) is;

= 0.1 x 9.81 x (13.75x10 -3 )

To calculate T f (frictional torque);

T f = mg (H 1 – H 2 )/θ

= (0.1 x 9.81 x 0.77)/ 56

To calculate the angular acceleration (α);

α = 2H 1 / (r x t 2 )

= (2 x 0.98)/ (13.75x10 -3 x 22.88 2 )

I exp = (13.49x10 -3 – 1.35x10 -2 )/0.27 - (0.1 x [13.75x10 -3 ] 2 )

= 3.7x10 -5 – 1.89x10 -5

To calculate the theoretic value for the moment of inertia;

I theory = MR 2 / 2

= 3.43 x 10 -2 kgm 2

% error = [(Expected Value – Actual value)/ Expected Value] x 100

= [3.4x10 -2 / 3.43x10 -2 ] x 100 = 99.13%

Following the analysis of my results, the values of I experiment and I theory differ by fairly a significant amount i.e. (a percentage error of 99.13%). The errors that led to the difference in the two values can be categorize into two sub-groups called “Measurement errors” and “Procedural errors”.

The motion of the mass that was attached to the spring could have been affected by factors, such as the air resistance and friction, which would lead to easy energy loss during the experiment. This could have also led to some errors in the final value.

This error could have been minimised by doing the experiment in a closed system, which would have not just minimised errors, but also increase the accuracy and reliability of the result.

  1. Lynn White, Jr., “Theophilus Redivivus”, Technology and Culture , Vol. 5, No. 2. (Spring, 1964), Review, pp. 224-233 (233) 1
  2. , .
  3. Lynn White, Jr., “Medieval Engineering and the Sociology of Knowledge”, The Pacific Historical Review , Vol. 44, No. 1. (Feb., 1975), pp. 1-21 (6)