Indian Boilers Act, 1923 and Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950

Under Section2(b) of the Indian Boilers Act, 1923- Boiler is any closed vessel exceeding 22.75 liters in capacity which is used expressly for generating steam under pressure and includes any mounting or other fitting attached to such vessel, which is wholly or partly under pressure when is shut off;

(i) Capacity less than 25 litres, or
(ii) Design & working pressure less than 1 Kg/cm2, or
(iii) Water is heated below 100°C
(If any of the above condition is fulfilled then the vessel is not a boiler).

What are the laws for regulating boilers in Indian?

Objective -- to consolidate and amend the law relating to steam boilers to ensure the safety in its manufacture and use.

Applicability- extends to whole of India except the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

Non-Applicability- Section-3. Limitation of application

What are the statutory compliances under Indian Boilers Act and Regulations, 1950?

Renewal of certificate of registration (Section.8)- When a certificate ceases to be in force, the owner of the boiler may apply to the Inspector for a renewal thereof for such period not exceeding, twelve months as he may specify in the application.

  1. Inspection during manufacture of boiler or boiler component
    Every manufacturer, before commencing manufacture of a boiler or boiler component, shall engage an Inspecting Authority for carrying out inspection at such stages of manufacture as may be prescribed by regulations.
  2. Duty of owner at examination of boiler
    On any date fixed under this Act for the examination of a boiler, the owner thereof shall be bound :
  3. Application for renewal of welders certificate to concerned authority
    Every welder/holder of welders certificate shall make an application to concerned authority for renewal of certificate after every 24 month from the date of issuance of such certificate.
  4. Half yearly cruciform fillet weld tensile test of deep penetration fillet welding electrodes
    Every manufacturer of deep penetration fillet welding electrodes shall ensure that three test specimens one each from test pieces prepared according to the procedures laid down in Appendix H-2 (as attached in Sample Form/Attachment) are tested in accordance with the method specified therein, at intervals of not more than 6 months to provide evidence that the electrodes currently produced continue to possess the properties recorded in the initial tests.

FAQ -Frequently Asked Questions

1 What is meant by “Economiser”?
Section-2(cc)-Economiser means any part of a feed pipe that is wholly or partially exposed to the action of flue gases for the purpose of recovery of waste heat.

2 Is it necessary to get the boiler registered?
Yes. As per section 7 of Boilers Act – 1923 it is mandatory to get the boiler registered.

3 What is meant by “Steam Pipe”?
Section-2(f)- “Steam pipe” means any pipe through which steam passes if

  1. the pressure at which steam passes through such pipe exceeds 3.5 Kg/cm2 above atmospheric pressure, or
  2. such pipe exceeds 254 millimetre in internal diameter and pressure of steam exceeds 1.0 Kg/cm2 above atmospheric pressure
    and includes in either of the above cases any connected fitting of steam pipe.

4 What is Feed-Pipe:
Section-2(ccc)- Feed-Pipe means any pipe or connected fitting wholly or partly under pressure through which feed water passes directly to a boiler and which does not form an integral part thereof;

5 Whether it is compulsory to get prior approval for drawing of steam pipe line before installation. If yes, why ?
Prior approval for drawing of steam pipe line is compulsory.
As per requirement of service conditions (steam pressure & temperature), the design of pipe line & its material specification, gradient, drainage, support, arrangement of isolation for safety and capacity of safety valves etc. are checked as per technical standards prescribed in IBR-1950. Thus, the safety of pipe line is ensured so that it may not explode during use.

6 Whether any welder can be deployed for welding in boiler or pipe line ?
No. As per provision of chapter 13 of IBR – 1950 welders are tested and certified for various grades of material & various test positions. Only appropriate class of welder having valid certificate can be deployed for welding work.

7 What is the validity period of certificate of a welder ?
After successful test for a particular grade of material & welding position, certificate is issued for a period of two years. Welder may again appear for test for renewal of his certificate on or after expiry of validity of his certificate.

8 Whether any engineer or operator can be engaged for operation of a boiler ?
No. As per provision of section 6(e) of the Act only certified Boiler Operation Engineers/Boiler Attendants are authorised to operate a boiler with following limitations:-
Operation of boiler upto 200 SQ. metre heating surface area - By Second Class Boiler Attendant
Operation of boiler upto 1000 SQ. metre heating surface area - By First Class Boiler Attendant
Operation of boiler above 1000 SQ. metre heating surface area - By Boiler Operation Engineer (BOE).

9 Where an appeal can be filed if a person is aggrieved by an order issued by Inspector under the Boilers Act – 1923?
If a person is aggrieved by an order of an Inspector he can file an appeal within 30 days from the date of issue of order to the Chief Inspector as per provision of section 19 of the Act. In case the person is not satisfied with the order of Chief Inspector, he may file an appeal to Central Government within 30 days against the order of Chief Inspector as per provision of section 20 of the Act.

10 What is the head of revenue to deposit fee through challan ?
Fee for all activities under Boilers Act – 1923 and rules/regulations framed thereunder is to be deposited through challan in following head of revenue:_
0230 – Labour & Employment
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103 - Fees for inspection of steam boilers (state)
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