​​Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act

​This protects you when you borrow money or buy products or services on credit.

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Intent of the Act

When you borrow money, the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) Act ensures you can make informed choices, know what you're agreeing to, and can keep track of your debts.

The CCCFA requires lenders to always act responsibly. It provides protection when you:

Different laws apply to other types of contracts, e.g. gym memberships or quotes. Read your rights and definitions of common contract words and phrases:

Your rights under the CCCFA

There are certain things lenders have to tell you when you borrow money. This is called disclosure of information.

For example, lenders must:

Lenders must make disclosures to you:

Lenders who do not make proper disclosure cannot enforce their contracts until disclosure is made.

Disclosure of information must:

You have to consent to having information disclosed electronically, eg by email, instead of on paper.

Sample disclosure statements

These documents are a guide for what to expect from your lender:

The Credit Contract and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) sets out how interest (including any default interest) is to be calculated. This must be disclosed in the contract.

The CCCFA also limits how much lenders and mobile traders (eg truck shops) can charge in interest and fees in high-cost loans:

Interest may not be charged in advance. It is usually calculated by applying the daily interest rate to the daily unpaid balance.

A default interest rate is a higher interest rate charged if you miss payments or go over your credit limit. It can only be charged while you are overdue and on the amount of missed or over-limit payments, not on the whole amount of the loan.

Credit fees and early repayment fees are not interest charges. These fees must:

Any unreasonable fees can be challenged in court and either cancelled or reduced.

You have the right to request changes to a credit contract if unforeseen circumstances cause hardship, eg illness, injury, loss of employment, or the end of a relationship.

You can only make one hardship application on the same grounds within any four-month period, unless the lender agrees to consider another application.

You can make a hardship application in writing at any time. You must bring your payments up to date before applying for hardship if you have:

In your application, you can ask for one of these changes:

  1. extend the contract term by reducing the amount of each payment
  2. postpone payments for a set period (payments holiday)
  3. extend the term of the contract and postpone debt repayments for a specified period of time (payment holiday).

The lender has to:

You can apply to the Courts if the lender refuses your request.

A lender can only begin the process to repossess something if:

The lender must give you written warning in advance that they intend to repossess an item.

The rules are slightly different if the lender has reasonable grounds to believe the item is at risk of being disposed of, damaged or destroyed.

A prepayment is a payment made before it's due.

Lenders are allowed to charge early repayment fees for prepayments.

At the start of a loan you have a five working days to cancel the loan contract in writing or electronically. This is called a cooling-off period.

The cooling-off period is extended to:

Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not working days.

You can cancel a credit contract at any time if no disclosure was made.

The Act protects you from oppression. Oppression is extremely unfair or unreasonable:

Whether something is oppressive is determined by a court.

When the CCCFA applies

The CCCFA covers a range of transactions where money is loaned for personal use, including:

For business or investment lending, the only part of the Act that applies is the protection against oppressive behaviour by lenders.

The Act applies to people or businesses who:

AfterPay, PartPay and other "buy now, pay later" credit contracts are not currently covered by the CCCFA.

When the CCCFA doesn't apply

Credit contracts not covered by the CCCFA

A contract is not a consumer credit contract when:

If a lender uses another reason to say the CCCFA does not apply, this might be a breach of the Fair Trading Act.

If things go wrong

Contact your lender

If it's difficult to keep up with your payments, ask about changing the agreement, eg to pay less each month. This is called applying for hardship.

If you think your lender has acted unfairly, try to resolve it with them first.

Report a lender to the Commerce Commission

The Commerce Commission is responsible for enforcing the CCCFA. Reports from the public help it identify lenders suspected of regularly breaking the rules.

Under the Credit Contract and Consumer Finance Act a lender must comply with disclosure obligations and determine affordability and suitability of the loan. Failure to do so can result in a refund of interest and fees and or damages to the borrower.

The Commission can investigate lenders and take steps to ensure they stick to the rules by either:

The Commission can't act on your behalf about your specific issue. If you can't resolve the issue with your lender, complain to the lender's dispute resolution scheme.

Complain to the lender's dispute resolution scheme

All lenders must be members of a dispute resolution scheme under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act. These schemes are independent, which means they must be fair in resolving any disputes.

To find out which scheme a lender belongs to, search the Financial Service Providers Register.