ALUM: The Magical Crystal

Alum, known as Fitkari in Hindi, is a naturally occurring irregular crystalline solid salt, which is mainly colorless to white and has many antibacterial properties and offers several benefits to its users since ancient times. Because of its beneficial qualities it is used extensively in Ayurveda, by the name of ‘SHUBRA’ meaning – white, pure and clean.

The scientific name of Alum is Potassium Aluminum Sulfate.

In Indian households, Alum has a widespread use. Be it in the field of culinary, beauty, medicinal/ health or spiritual. Through this article let us explore a few of them –

  1. Alum is one of the most ancient water purifiers, as it makes solid impurities settle down at the bottom of the container. 1 gram Alum per liter of water is added to ensure that the drinking water is clean.
  2. Alum is used to curdle milk for recipes like ‘milk cakes’ and to make Rabdi more grainy and tasty.
  3. Some commercial baking powders contain Alum as one of its acidic components.
  4. It is widely used in pickling as a preservative agent to maintain the crispiness of the fruits and vegetables.


If you wash your face every morning with Alum water and massage with a piece of Alum in the night, your wrinkles will start vanishing making your skin look younger. Alum helps to tighten the skin and you can feel the changes within a week’s time, but always remember to clean your face with clean cold water and apply a good moisturizer after that.

To get rid of pigmentation, rub a block of Alum on the face every alternate day.

Make a face pack of half teaspoon Alum powder, two teaspoons multani mitti (fuller’s earth), mix it with rose water (for oily skin) or milk (for dry skin). Apply this pack and keep it for 15 minutes and rinse it off with the help of cold water. Use this pack twice a week, within few weeks you will see the change.

  1. Skin lightening and toning

Boil some Alum in water for few minutes, cool and wash your face with this water. By regular use it will lighten the complexion and also tones the skin.

Because of its anti-bacterial properties Alum helps in controlling the body odour. Rub a wet block of Alum in your underarms, this will not only avoid the extreme smelly perspiration but also help in making the underarm skin look fair.

Soak your feet in Alum water for 15 -20 minutes to prevent the extreme perspiration of the feet and give a feeling of freshness the whole day.

Mix a pinch of Alum in 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and apply this mixture on the itchy skin/insect bites/rashes. It will give relief instantly.

Make a mouth rinse by dissolving a pinch of Alum powder and a pinch of rock salt in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this rinse twice a day. It will eliminate bad breath by preventing bacterial growth in the mouth. Be careful not to drink it as it can make you nauseous.

If you sweat excessively, take a bath with Alum water, and see the difference for yourself, you will feel fresh the whole day without any foul odour.

  1. As an aftershave lotion

As an astringent and antiseptic agent, it helps to heal and stops bleeding from shaving cuts, it also adds natural glow to skin due to its toning and skin –tightening action.


According to Ayurveda, Alum has many health benefits:-

Make a thick paste of pinch of Alum and a pinch of turmeric with water. Apply it on muscle cramps, let it dry naturally. Apply it twice a day for 2-3 days. It will eliminate the pain and swelling.

People usually face this problem during summers when body gets dehydrated due to lack of water in the body. To get rid of this problem wash your private parts with Alum water twice a day.

  1. Skin Problems and Infections

Bathing with Alum water regularly gives relief from many skin problems and infections.

To get rid of bleeding gums, tooth ache and dental caries, rinse your mouth with alum water. You can also gently massage a paste made with 1 gm alum, a pinch of cinnamon powder and some rock salt. Then rinse your mouth with clean water.

Sprinkle pinch of alum on a cotton ball soaked in cold water and press it on the area of nose bleed for a few seconds.

When we heat alum, it liquefies and all the water evaporates, we get a crumbly mixture. Let it cool down, make a smooth paste with coconut oil and apply on the heels. By regular use, it will provide incredible relief from cracked heels.

Soak the affected foot in warm water mixed with 2-3 tbsp. of alum powder added in it for 20 minutes. Dry the feet and avoid wearing synthetic fabrics/ socks till it’s cured.

Boil water with salt, when it gets dissolved fully, remove from heat and mix alum powder in it. Strain and let it cool. Use this solution as a mouth wash for 2-3 times a day. It will provide a lot of relief from ulcers as well as foul breath.

  1. Lice and Smelly Scalp/ Head

During summers, due to pollution and dirt, many people face the problem of smelly scalp/ head and sometimes even lice infections. Alum is a very effective way to treat these problems. Soak some alum in a bucket of water and leave it overnight. Wash your hair with this water in the morning, this will help you get rid of lice and cleanse your hair completely.


It is believed that alum attracts wealth. Keep a piece of alum in your locker, make a small potli/ pouch of alum with black cloth and hang it on the main door of house/ office/ shop. It will attract money from all directions.

Take a paan leaf, place some alum over it, sprinkle some sindoor over it and bind this leaf with the help of kalava thread. Keep it beneath a heavy stone under a peepal tree on a Wednesday morning. Do this regularly for at least 3 Wednesdays. You will get rid of the debt soon.

  1. Get rid of Negative Energies

In one glass bowl, keep some alum in your bathroom to ward off negative energies from your home. Keep it away from public view and change it after one month. You can also mop the floor with water mixed with alum and salt especially on Saturdays.

If members of the family always fight with each other and always seem to have a difference of opinion, keep a glass of water with few pieces of alum in it below the bed. In the morning, pour this water on a peepal tree. Within few days you will attain a peaceful atmosphere in your home.

If you get nightmares and have a very disturbed sleep pattern, keep a piece of alum beneath your pillow for 21 days.

Keep 50 gm of alum in the north direction of every room in your house/ office to remove any kind of vastu dosh. Change this alum after a month.

  1. If your vehicle is accident prone, make a black cloth potli/ pouch of alum and keep it on the dash board of your vehicle.
  1. Evil Eye

To keep your home safe from evil eye, tie a black cloth potli/ pouch of alum on your main door.