Planning applications

Use our advice service for guidance about a development you are considering.

Apply for planning permission.

How to make an application.

View and comment on a planning application

Find out how to comment on a planning application.

Check whether you need planning permission

Find out if your proposal requires planning permission on the Planning Portal website.

Appeal a planning decision

Find out how to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate against a planning decision on GOV.UK.

Calculate application fees

Planning fees are set nationally and can be calculated at the Planning Portal.

Obtain a site's planning history

Find out the planning history of a specified site from 1948 using this service.

How applications are decided

View our process for deciding planning applications.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) guidance for planning applicants

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on most developments over a certain size to fund local infrastructure.

Biodiversity Net Gain

Most major developments are required to deliver a 10% increase in biodiversity secured by a condition, a section 106 agreement or a conservation covenant…

View the weekly applications list

Access details of planning applications received weekly.

Dropped kerbs

You will need permission from Kent County Council and you may need planning permission from us to install a dropped kerb on to a public road…

Development Management Committee

About our committee, meeting dates and agendas and how to register to speak on a planning application.

Useful links

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